If you have placed your investments with some household names, (blue chips), not so long ago , whose bosses have been indicted for fraud – you have gambled on a piece of paper, that can be completely devalued or even better, reprinted at any value the particular institution may decide to value it (with government license).
Capitalism as we know it, is no more. Instead governments and banks have figured out a way that will cost the taxpayer an arm and a leg in the future. To understand the massive credit bubble that now is building up (not different from the previous ones, and interestingly with the same institutions and people who have caused the previous problems). You have to know, that real fat profits are made with exorbitant interest rates, (credit cards for example) in many cases 10 to 20 times higher than the borrowing cost!
So what is the difference between a piece of anonymous paper controlled by somebody else and a gemstone ?
A gem can take you to another level of consciousness. That rare moment in life that gives us the opportunity to gaze at a treasure this universe has created hundreds of millions of years ago.
It is a profit you can get every time you look at it, and nobody can take that away from you!
To have seen such a beautiful, pure and dancing colour can enhance your spirit of love and beauty. That sparkle and glow of the finest colour in the universe will stay with you and make you happy, and can even help you when you are down!!
Bangkok, 2 nd March 2011 Mourad Hatik.
Mourad Hatik lives overseas and is a dear friend and business associate of mine for over 40 years. He has the most beautiful, important and expansive precious gem collection of Gem quality-Natural Burma Rubies, Kashmir and Burma Sapphires, Columbian Emeralds and Red Spinel of anyone I have ever seen in my lifetime. I also loved that when he did not sell something after a year, he simply just raised the price!
Heidi Ortman Sheff
J. Ortman Inc