Color your world

What to tell your friend who says, “I need a great jeweler…” 

Ortman and Sheff is a fourth generation company specializing in significant and rare diamonds, precious stones and fine jewelry. The wholesale company  is located in both New York City and South Florida and is managed today by Roger Sheff and Heidi Ortman Sheff.

The History of Ortman and Sheff  is a colorful one. If you were fortunate enough to have met Jack Ortman before he passed away in 1990, then you know he was a rare gem. His eccentricity and unique character led him to buy fancy color diamonds in the ‘5os and ’60s before they became popular or valuable.

If only you could see into the future….

Jack Ortman was a true visionary. In the late ’60s, he purchased a beautiful 7 carat blue, pear shape diamond for $20,000.  His partner at the time, Jerry Blickman, thought he was foolish to buy such an undesirable stone.  Jack later sold it to a private client for $165,000. In the late ’80s,  the client resold it for $2.4 M and was thrilled with their investment. Today that blue diamond would be worth approximately $8-9 M.

Did you know?

Today, Fancy Color Diamonds are the world’s most concentrated and portable form of wealth. A stone worth millions of dollars can be worn and enjoyed, or fit comfortably inside your pocket and be transported legally and sold  in most major cities in the world. Blues, pinks and even intense and vivid yellow diamonds have appreciated significantly over the past 10 years. They are extremely rare, and like a Monet or Picasso painting, almost impossible to replace. There is no exact formula for putting a price on these types of stones. It is about the beauty, intensity and purity of the color as well as the proportion and brilliance of the cut. 

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Recent record breaking paddle prices….

Last year, the largest flawless fancy vivid blue pear shape diamond, named The Winston Blue weighing 13.22 carats, sold at auction in May 2014 for $23.8 M, achieving a world record price of $1.8 M per carat.

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The Graff Vivid Yellow weighing 100.09 cts, is one of the largest fancy vivid yellow diamonds ever seen. This stone set a new world record for yellow diamonds last year when it sold for $16.3 M at Sothebys, Geneva in May, 2014.

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The Pink Star  is the largest internally flawless, fancy vivid pink diamond in the world, weighing 59.60 carats. It was sold by Sotheby’s for $83.2 M in November 2013

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Find a match and have the perfect pair of pumpkin colored earrings for Halloween…

A very rare color, The Vivid Orange Diamond weighing 14.82cts, fetched $35.54 M at Christies, Geneva in November, 2013.  $2.4 M per carat set another world record price for a diamond this color.

When your friend says, “I watched Titanic for the 15th time…

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Dating back to the 17th century, The Hope Diamond, weighs 45.25cts and is worth approximately $350 M. After several owners, Harry Winston donated the diamond in 1958 to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C., where it is now on display.

Other famous Diamonds in the world…..

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The Wittlesbach-Graff Diamond Cushion cut diamond, 31.06 carats, Internally Flawless, Fancy Deep Grayish Blue color.

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The Princie Diamond Antique cushion cut diamond, 34.65 carats, fancy Intense pink color, Golconda mine.

Back to the future ….

Coming up for sale this November at the Sothebys auction in Geneva, will be the The Blue Moon  weighing 12.03 carats, internally flawless, fancy vivid blue cushion shape diamond. Let’s watch and see what happens!

Reasons why you should crack open that ceramic piggy bank for some of OUR Candy ….

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Fancy Intense Yellow radiant cut diamond weighing 10.01 cts

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Fancy Orangey Pink cushion cut diamond weighing 5.24 cts

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Natural Fancy Gray Blue radiant cut diamond weighing 3.81 cts

Heidi Ortman Sheff

J. Ortman Inc

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